Friday, July 25, 2014

Mansion Mania:: Dark Moon in Algebh

I am a firm believer that you do not always have to have the right day or hour or Moon phase to work a spell. This probably comes from years of working in folk magic. Yet, I will not deny that sometimes if you have time to plan out what you want, find just the right candle, herbs and stones, and work with the right planet and Moon phase you can get a great deal of extra OOMPH out of your spell.

For awhile on the Facebook page I was talking about the Lunar Mansion and work within them for the full and dark Moon phases and kind of let that fall out of favor.  There is so much information that can go along with Lunar Mansion working that the time for researching it unfortunately was cutting into research time for other subjects.

I kind of miss doing it though, so I am going to give you this Lunar Mansion information for the Dark Moon tomorrow.  I will endeavor to get these out about every other week to correspond with the full and dark Moon.

Jumping right in, tomorrow at 5:49 p.m CST the Moon enters its dark phase.  It will be in 3 degrees in Leo which puts it in the Mansion of Algebh.  Traditionally this Mansion is associated with ease of childbirth, banishing illness and enemies.  If you know someone who is about to have a baby you can use this time to
help make it quick, painless, and safe for mother and child.  If you feel that there is something or someone blocking your way you can find out who/what it is and remove that obstacle.

What else could you do?

There are many different combinations occurring at this time to give a push to whatever spell work you have planned or are going to plan.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn, the Sun is currently in Leo, and the time of this Moon phase is Mars about to move into the hour of the Sun. Do not forget the Moon will also be in Leo.

That is a lot to throw at someone, so I’ll break things down to help give you some ideas of what you are dealing with and what you can do with it.

The current sign of the Sun is Leo, the Lion, king of the all He surveys.  This can be a fantastic time to build your confidence, do workings to make you more eloquent of speech and take charge of your life if it has crumbled around your ears. Leo is fiery (no really the sign is associated with Fire and is a Fixed sign) and all that passion can be thrown behind a project to make it shine.  Leo is about creativity and the drive to create. 
Combine the creativity Leo in its home sign and add that the Moon is in Leo and you have a potent combination to nurture your projects to success.  The Moon is all about nurture and awareness. You can use it to compliment the drive for success found using the Sun to really get the ball rolling. Your spell work here can be to help awaken your Muse to write a book, a song, a poem; use it to make candles, soap or learn to embroider.

Saturn is a fairly dour planet, very chthonic and heavy. With the Moon entering its Dark phase you might take time to reflect and take stock of yourself.  Create a spell and ritual that gets the ball rolling on banishing the things that are holding you back in life. Most of the time, during quiet contemplation and an honest look at ourselves; we find out that we are our own worst enemy.  We create what we speak but also what we think. If you happen to be holding yourself back, make a conscious effort to change the way you look at a situation. Strive to be more positive, to have a more uplifted view of things.

So, let us say you are your own worst enemy.  This Mansion is for banishing that.  Pull up your Shadow self; make a conscious effort to start healing it.  With the war-like aggression of Mars and the success driven Sun you can do anything you desire about those road blocks.

Before we leave here, I would like to remind everyone that there is a daily Tarot card on the Facebook page and you can now follow the Insight on Twitter (@TenkosInsights) and on Instagram (tenkoag).  Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I will see you again Tuesday when we talk about the Empress.

Lunar mansion information found at::
Mansion of the Moon for the Green Witch by Ann Moura

**Minor edit, I had the time for the dark moon off by several hours.  It is really 5:48 pm CST.  The hours of Mars and the Sun are correct.


  1. Some, if not all, of the lunar mansions respond differently depending on whether the Moon is waxing or waning. I haven't worked all of them yet to know firsthand, but the lore and the tendency of the ones I have done shows them almost reversing under a waning Moon.

    If I were going to do any Dark Moon magic with Al Jabhah, I would time it for the few minutes either side of the exact Luna-Sol conjunction for my location.

    The name of the Intelligence of the Mansion is Ardesiel, and its Ray is Golden-Yellow.

  2. That is what I am finding in my research as well. I am hoping to eventually peel back more layers of information as far as ruling spirits/angels/demons/etc but I don't want to throw out so much information at one time I put myself to sleep writing the posts.

    Thank you for bringing up Ardesiel.
