Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tarot Tuesday: The Tower

When it Comes Tumbling Down

Let us face reality for a moment and really take into account what happens in our lives. We desire to cultivate solidarity and security. We want to categorize, analyze, and label everything around us.

Nature and the Universe have something else in mind all together. It comes crashing down around our ears when we least expect it and most certainly least desire it.

The Tower is one of the harshest cards in the deck and one that no one wants to be see.

The Tower is the complete destruction of our false security. There is not much we can do when life flips on its head except hold on and see what survives the storm.

What is the benefit of such destruction?

To learn and grow requires constant changes and lessons. In order to become more knowledgeable, in order to be more adaptive we have to go through change. We need experiences that are not always pleasant to teach us wisdom and how to deal with problems in the future. If we never experience hardship or change then we grow stagnant and boring; locked in a mental and spiritual stasis that just exists instead of living.

When The Tower appears in our lives the best things to do is lock up and take shelter till the storm passes. When it has, take an assessment and see what survived in tact and what was destroyed. If something was destroyed, did it serve a purpose or was it in fact holding you back?

A time of change and upheaval brings a new way of looking at the world and has the ability to change how we perceive the world around us. This will bring a new time of growth and knowledge that clears out the old thought process that holds us back from our highest potential.

Practical Application

Find a version of The Tower card that speaks to you on several levels and study it. Write in your journal what feelings this card invokes in you when you see it appear in a reading and what it inspires as you study it by itself. What are you holding on to, what thoughts and actions to you keep around because they make you feel secure and you fear losing them? Reflect on your emotions and thoughts and study them to see if they serve or if they are holding you back.

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